Self-Care for the Modern Woman - Spiritual


For the modern woman, time is of the essence. We often feel like there’s not enough time in a day to do it all. When we think about our priorities like work, kids home and family, we often don’t count self-care as one and when we do, it’s a quick mask or a warm bath once a week.

As discussed in our previous blogs, self-care must be practised consistently and holistically to have an amazing outcome. Self-care is not a one-size-fits-all approach as it is multidimensional and consists of the mental, physical and spiritual aspects which must all be taken care of so we as busy women can thrive geometrically in all areas of our lives. This is because, taking care of every dimension helps us to become more authentic, grounded and creative and we feel balanced on the whole.

Many working women and young entrepreneurs often lack the creativity and authenticity we need to tap into our true selves. We are working to the point that we are wired and tired and extremely burnt out. When we take the time to nourish ourselves mentally, physically and spiritually, we thrive in all our relationships and are financially secure because we have creatively used our resources to grow that income. For us, working women, it is also important that we, tap into our feminine energy and make sure our energy is balanced.

When we talk about spiritual self-care, it refers to any ritual which connects you to your true self. The real you is the raw expression you are as a woman and what you have to offer to the world. It is extremely energizing and inspiring when you get to know the true you.

Spirituality has a different connotation for everyone. It can be influenced by your parents, the environment you were brought up in and different events in your life. If you associate it with religion or cultural traditions, you might find yourself following a certain religion or attending religious service in a mosque, church or temple.

If your definition of spirituality is spending time out in nature, you mind find yourselves enjoy long walks and hikes in the open air. Other forms of spiritual practices include expression through dance, music, art. In the end, if the ritual brings out a sense of sacredness, you are doing something meaningful to you. As a woman and ultimately as humans, we all need connection, purpose and joy in whatever practice we take up. 

Taking the time to indulge in some form of spiritual practice can be fulfilling to the soul. It encourages us to introspect and connect with our true self bringing about calm and clarity. Having a regular spiritual ritual can be extremely beneficial to the health as we get a chance to quieten our mind and calm the turbulence within so we can focus on what we all truly desire. 

Benefits of spiritual self-care include:

  • Improve your relationship with friends and family

  • Be at peace with yourself.

  • Be clear on what makes you truly happy.

  • Feel more connected with the universe.

  • Be more in tune with your desires.

Self-care takes effort and discipline so you can explore your true self and make a strong connection. As busy working women, we have so much on our plates so it can be hard to fit in self-care but when we practice it religiously, we will reap the benefits and as a result thrive in all aspects of our life. 

Keen to improve your spiritual practice and experience inner peace? Book a one-to-one consultation call today to find out more!

Dr Zara Celik offers Wellness Services and Consultations in Melbourne at Amara Wellness Centre.