Self-Care for the Modern Woman


Self- care for modern women is a series of blogs where we explore the different dimensions of self-care.

The day-to-day life of a woman today is vastly different from what it was 50 years ago. It is not uncommon for a modern woman to juggle a successful career, have a family and other responsibilities simultaneously, often resulting in a burnout.

So, what is Self- care? It is more than just slapping on a mask or having a relaxing bath every Sunday. Self-care refers to activities or practices which we do consistently to enhance our overall well-being. It is multi-dimensional and must be practised consistently and holistically for us to thrive geometrically in all areas of our lives. Self-care is the foundation of health and well-being, vitality and consistent abundant energy. It is the key to optimum performance in all areas of our lives.

Self-care is often associated with being solely physical however that is far from true. It can be broken down into different dimensions such as physical, mental and spiritual.

Self- care comprises of different elements, like taking care of our skin, taking care of our internal and external organs, paying attention to how good our health is, paying attention to how we feel overall.

  • Connecting with the inner self is a form of self-care.

  • having an inspired vision is a form of self-care.

  • having responsibility to inspire ourselves every single day is a form of self-care.

  • Governing ourselves is a form of self-care.

  • Being at our authentic self is a form of self-care.

  • Having a balanced mind working on ourselves is a form of self-care.

Hence, self-care isn't just taking a bath. It isn't just scrubbing the skin, getting a facial or getting a massage. It is a lot more than that. Let’s delve a little deeper into these different dimensions and talk about how you can nourish them, so you thrive on a complete level.

Mental: Self-care on a mental level is about finding the balance between constant stimulation and giving it a break to foster creativity and help with continual learning. We all want to be the best versions of ourselves, so we always try to learn new things but it’s equally important to give the mind a rest.

Examples of Mental Self-Care:

Connecting with authentic self: Get in touch with the real you. Acknowledge your thoughts, emotions and behaviours. Allow yourself to experience raw emotions. Nurture yourself and give yourself the same kindness and love you would to a friend.

Practising mindfulness: This can be as simple as slowing down and pausing. Doing this a few times during the day can help you reset.

Taking care of the environment: nurture and maintain your relationships. Think about the people you spend most of your time with. We all vibrate with energy. The higher the frequency, the lighter you feel. You will have more clarity, be at peace and have more power over your mind and body.

Physical: This dimension of self-care consists of overall health, nutrition, movement and physical connection. When you have consistent rituals that nurture your physical being, your overall energy increases and so does your self-esteem.

Examples of Physical Self- Care:

Moving the body: Physical activity is the best solution for life’s daily stressors and greatly boost overall health by releasing endorphins.

Eating nourishing foods: What you put into your body is equally important as what you put on. Eat a balanced and nutritious diet to keep your gut healthy.

Getting adequate sleep: Sleep is arguably the most vital aspect of a healthy life. It has a lot of impact on health, metabolism and overall health.

Skin health: Our skin is our body’s largest organ and serves as our primary point of defence against many foreign bodies. We have to look after it well. Invest a few minutes every day massaging it, have a regular skincare routine to ensure you keep your skin looking its best.

Spiritual: This dimension of self-care involves a chosen practice with a set of core values and beliefs that give you a sense of purpose. Allocating ample time for spiritual self-care can help bring meaning to your life and develop a sense of belonging. As we are all bio-individual so not one practice fits all.

Examples of Spiritual Self-Care:

Practising meditation or yoga- to help calm and balance the mind

Journaling: Practising gratitude and being thankful for life’s blessings, letting go of resentment and judgement.

Nature walks: Connecting with Mother Earth and gaining positive energy, going for walks in the beach.

Attending religious services/sermons- Belief in a higher self, gaining a sense of purpose. Going to a church, mosque or temple.

So, for modern women, for working moms, for us to thrive and have that abundant energy and work at peak performance, we must practice self-care consistently, holistically, every single day. So, it is anchored in us. Therefore, we must start implementing rituals, which then becomes our habits. When you feel your best, you can take on any challenge that may come your way.

Get in touch so you be on your very own empowering self-care journey!