Self-Care in Winter

We can perform better in our lives when our physical, mental and spiritual needs are aligned.

It is important that we practice self-care rituals that will ignite our internal light and energy. Winter is the perfect opportunity to reflect on your health and wellness journey, on your life, your goals and also your intentions. It is also a good time to see where you are from a physical, mental, emotional and psychological standpoint.

In terms of self-care, I would like to focus on all the different aspects that make us a whole. Focus on your well-being not only at a physical but also at an emotional and spiritual level. Make it a habit to write down what you are grateful for on a daily basis. Practice mindfulness. It is important to take the time to focus on, cultivate and care about the things that “you” want. It is crucial that you take the time for yourself as only when your needs are fulfilled can you be a source of energy and give to others. You cannot give from an empty well but from the overflow so look after yourself first.

Be present at the moment and see what is happening around you so you are open to receiving blessings from the universe.

At a physical level, stay warm, ensure you exfoliate regularly to remove the dead skin and help your body detox and feel energised. When you indulge in these small self-care habits, you serve yourself and as a result, feel energised. This will give you lots of physical energy and make you mentally alert. You will be able to face the day with renewed energy and avoid that mental fog that many of us experience on a daily basis.

Some examples of physical exfoliation include dry brushing, hammam baths and steam rooms. They all help with the removal of toxins and stimulate blood circulation. Exfoliate your skin before getting into the shower, which will get rid of dead skin, then apply a warm cloth on the body before you apply your moisturiser in order to ensure your skin is properly hydrated.

Focus on your spiritual well-being depending on your personal goals as not one spiritual practice fits all. As we all are uniquely individual, find a practice that resonates with you to calm you and help you feel more grounded.

Invest in relationships to have more balance and more human connections. As social beings, building bonds with others is crucial to our well-being. Surround yourself with people who will energise you and uplift you. Stay away from those who drain your energy.

Focus on having an ideal work-life balance. Ensure you get adequate sleep, stay hydrated and avoid caffeine and alcohol or at the very least limit their consumption. Engage in regular physical activity to keep your heart pumping and blood circulation going.

There is no doubt that what we eat affects our physical health, energy and mind. There is a direct link between the mind and the gut. During winter, nourish your body with warming foods such as soups, stews, hearty curries and roasted vegetables. Avoid refined sugars and carbs and keep meat to moderation or avoid it altogether if it is possible.

Dr Zara Celik offers Wellness Services and Consultations in Melbourne at Amara Wellness Centre.